Jennifer L. Bowie, Ph.D.
Usability researcher and designer, technical communicator, researcher, writer, teacher, podcaster, and digital & print media designer
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My other work:
Sample Student Work
As a teacher, my ability to teach is illustrated in part through the work of my students, thus I am including along with samples of what I have, samples of the work of some of my students.
Undergraduate Work:
- Logo design: One of my undergraduate Document Design students, Renée Cooper, designed two logos for the band The Extraordinary Contraptions. Both of her logos are being used officially by the band and can be found on t-shirts, banners, pins, business cards, the website, and their albums.
- Main logo in black and white (.pdf)
- Crest Logo
- Rhetorina Podcast: Ashley Judge, a professional ballerina, created a rhetoric podcast series for her capstone project in my Fall 2008 English 4320: Senior Seminar in Rhetoric & Composition “Social Media, Politics & the Rhetorical Citizen.” She called the series Rhetorina. The podcasts included an introduction to rhetoric, episodes on ethos, logos, and pathos, and a bonus episode. Her podcast series is listed as an “Example Academic Podcasts” on Georgia State University’s iTunes University site. It is one of only four listed, and the only student-produced podcast example—the rest are authored by professors or a division. Here are two of the four she did:
Graduate Work
Hypertextual publications:
- Annotated Bibliography blogs: Many of my graduate students have completed annotated bibliography blogs. This assignment is an option in my Electronic Writing and Publishing class. In my Research Methods class they must create an annotated bibliography, with the option to do so in blog form. In my Directed Study classes, many complete this “bib blog” also. Here are some examples: