Jennifer L. Bowie, Ph.D.

Usability researcher and designer, technical communicator, researcher, writer, teacher, podcaster,  and digital & print media designer



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My other work:


Peer Reviewed

“Beyond the Universal: The Universe of Users Approach to Usability Testing.” Rhetorically Rethinking Usability: Theories, Practices, and Methodologies. Edited by Susan Miller and Shelley Rodrigo. New Directions Series, Hampton Press. January, 2009. 135-163.

“Open Systems and Citizenship: Designing a Departmental Web Site as an Open System.” Computers
and Composition 20.2
(2003): 168-193. With Clay Spinuzzi, Ida Rodgers, and Xiangyi Li. 168–193. 6

“Visions, Re-Visions, and Pre-Visions: The Graduate Research Network 2001 and Beyond.”
Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 7.1 (2002). Contributor. ~19 print pages.

“Student Problems with Hypertext and Webtext: A Student-Centered Hypertext Classroom?” Kairos: A
Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 6.2
(2001). ~17 print pages. 3 citaitons.

“CW2K Graduate Research Network: The Future of Computers and Writing.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 5.2 (2000). With Janice R. Walker et al. ~42 print pages.

“Gendered Statements, Gendered Perceptions: A Study of Perceived Gender Statements.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 5.2 (2000). ~51 print pages. 1 citation.

Accepted/Forthcoming Peer Reviewed

“De-coding Our Scholarship: The State of Research in Computers and Writing from 2003–2008.” Computers and Composition. First author with Heather A. McGovern and Monica Bulger. Accepted with revisions. 1-44.

“Podcasting in a Writing Class? Considering the Possibilities.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. (Companion piece to “Rhetorical Roots and Media Future…”) Plan to be published 16.2 (Fall), 2011. (Under review)

“Rhetorical Roots and Media Future: How Podcasting Fits into the Computers and Writing Classroom.”
Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. (Companion piece to “Podcasting in a Writing
Class?...”) Accepted with revisions, to be published 16.2 (Fall), 2011. Audio podcast (68:53 minutes),
38 ms. pages in print.

“Casting the Contest and Rebellion: Podcasting as Contested Writing.” Chapter 13 in Contested Writing. Edited by Mary Lamb. Book under consideration with Utah University Press.

Under Revision (Revise and Resubmit)

“Snapshots of Evolving Research Training: An Exploration of the Research in Ph.D. Programs in
2006–7 and 2009.” Programmatic Perspectives: Journal of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication.


“2001 ATTW Bibliography.” Technical Communication Quarterly 11.4 (2002). Committee member co-author.

“2000 ATTW Bibliography.” Technical Communication Quarterly 10.4 (2001). Committee member co-author.

Book Reviews

“Review of Comparative Rhetoric: An Historical and Cross-Cultural Introduction.” By Kennedy, George A. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 32.2 (2002): 171-177.

Published Proceedings & Abstracts


“Landmarks, Links, and Search Engines: Designing Websites for Sex and Gender Navigation Differences.” Proceedings of Experiencing Technical Communication, Society for Technical Communication. Seattle, WA, 2005: 260-264.

“Beyond the Universal User: How to Design for the Universe of Users.” Proceedings of STC@50,
Society for Technical Communication
. Dallas, TX, 2003: 268-272. Also available online: 5 citations.


Other Proceedings & Abstracts

“Podcasting for Technical Communicators: What is Podcasting and What Can We Do With It?” Proceedings of Currents, Atlanta Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication; Atlanta, GA (2008): online.

“Blogging the Program: Steps Towards Organizational Memory, Community, & Identity.” Proceedings of
Meeting the Challenges of the New Economy
, Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific
Communication. San Francisco, CA, 2006: 15.

“Directions, Directives, And Our Programs: How Do We Match Up?” Proceedings of Connecting Programs and Research, Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. Lubbock, TX, 2005: 60-

“Enriching Research: Adapting Industry Methods to Meet Our Diverse Programmatic Needs.” Proceedings of Pathways to Diversity, Council for Program in Technical and Scientific Communication Conference. West Lafayette, IN, 2004.

“Adding the ‘Universe of Users’ to Usability Testing and Field Research: A Call for Change in the
Academy and Industry.” Proceedings of Complicating Binaries: Exploring Tensions in Technical and
Scientific Communication
, Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. Logan, UT,

“Gendered Bodies, Gendered Language: Looking at Our Language and Perceptions Through MOO
Research.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 5.2 (2000). Abstract published as part of the Graduate Research Forum from Computers and Writing 2000.

“The Internationalization of Internet Visuals for France and the United States: Culture, Font, and Color.” Proceedings of Surveying the Field[s] at the Millennium: Where We've Been and What is to Come for English Studies, Graduate English Society. Lubbock, TX, 2000.

Other Publications

Screen Space, Professional podcast and related blog on Users, Technology, and Texts. March 2006 – Present.

  • Screen Space 11: Usability & Usability Testing 101
  • Screen Space: Announcement & Invitation for Scholarly Writing (or other) Month
  • Screen Space 10: User-Centered Design 101 (Why user-friendly is not enough)
  • Screen Space 9.5: A Metacast of where Screen Space went and what to expect next
  • Screen Space 9: Design 101b (Some Basic Vocabulary)
  • Screen Space 8: Length, Contrast, Alignment, and Critique
  • Screen Space 7: Design 101 (Four Basic Principles)
  • Screen Space 6: Color Design 101
  • Screen Space 5: Web Writing 101
  • Screen Space 4: Sound in Web Design: An Interview with Brian Snead
  • Screen Space 3: Starting with a Strong Homepage
  • Screen Space 2: Five Things to Avoid on Your Websites
  • Screen Space 1: Five Easy Things You Can do to Make Your Websites Stronger
  • Screen Space 0.5: Welcome and Introduction



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