Jennifer L. Bowie, Ph.D.

Usability researcher and designer, technical communicator, researcher, writer, teacher, podcaster,  and digital & print media designer



Home | Professional Bio | Long Résumé | CV | Sample Work | Sample Student Work | Publications | Presentations | Teaching | Research | Screen Space: Podcast & Blog | Podcasting Resources

Welcome to my Portfolio!

I am Jennifer L. Bowie, Ph.D., a researcher, teacher and practitioner of digital media and usability. My scholarship in technical communication brings together my professional interests: usability and how people use new technologies and media; writing and rhetorical issues within digital media; and how writing and rhetoric are evolving. My work incorporates feminist lenses and methodologies, empirical research, various media and technology, and user-centered design, often overlapping these areas to examine technology and writing from different perspectives.

Here is a bief overview of my experience:

  • I have been a usability and user-centered design researcher, designer, and author for more than 10 years.
  • I am a researcher with more than thirteen years experience in qualitative and quantitative methods.
  • I am the author/co-author of ten forthcoming/published peer-reviewed print and digital journal articles. 
  • I have four years of experience as the blogger and podcaster for Screen Space: A blog and podcast about users, texts, and technology.
  • My print and digital design work includes a corporate identity for a video production company; wesbites for an English Department, two conferenced, and businesses; a style guide and various publications for petroleum research consortium, and a CD and digihub jacket for a rock band.
  • I am an award-winning, excellent teacher for twelve years with a 4.6 of 5 teaching effectiveness average.
  • I am an experienced presenter and speaker; a practiced leader in national and international organizations; an editor of academic writing and media, a reviewer of textbooks, journal articles, and conference proposals; and a mentor of beginning researchers and graduate students.
  • Outside fo my career: I am a runner and triathlete; I recently took up crocheting again; I occasionally draw or paint; I am an avid reader, a geek, a beginning violinist, and a very amateur photographer.

To find out more, check out my:

  • Professional Bio: A more detailed biography and and a picture.
  • Long Résumé: My detailed resume with information on my skills in usability and user-centered design; media, design, and technology; research; written and oral communication; and leadership and service.
  • CV: My curriculum vitae displaying my experience and accomplishments in academic long form, with a complete list of my scholarship, teaching, and service.
  • Sample Work: Some samples of my digital and other work.
  • Sample Student Work: Samples of some of the work done by my students.
  • Publications: A list of my publications.
  • Presentations: Slides, handouts, and more from some select presentations.


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