Jennifer L. Bowie, Ph.D.
Usability researcher and designer, technical communicator, researcher, writer, teacher, podcaster, and digital & print media designer
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My other work:
A few of my conference presentation slides and handouts:
- “Shifting Time, Location, and Texts: An Assessment of Podcasting in Our Classrooms.” ATTW PodPoster for ATTW 2009. Listen to the podposter and view resources at:
- “The Five Canons, Audience, & Earbuds: Adding Podcasting to the Computers & Writing Classroom.” Computers & Writing Conference, May 25, 2008. PowerPoint Slides & PDF handout of Podcasting Resources.
- “Ear buds, Time shifting, and Portable Learning: An Analysis of Podcasting and Technical Communication.” ATTW Conference, April 2, 2008. PowerPoint Slides & PDF handout of Podcasting Resources. Audio file/podcast of presentation coming soon.
- "Gender, Writing, and the Web: Considerations of web use, web navigation, & fan avatars" Guest lecture 3/27 in Dr. Mary Lamb's Gender and Writing.
- Podcasting for Technical Communicators" STC Atlanta Chapter Currents Conference March 15, 2008. Part of the "Podcasting for Technical Communicators: What is podcasting and what can we do with it"? Panel. Podcasting Resources handout. Audio file/podcast of presentation coming soon.
- “Self-Identity, Voice, and Power in Female Muggles and Wizards: A Feminist Analysis of Fan Avatars in Two Harry Potter Fan Sites.” Civic Discourse, Feminism(s) & Rhetoric(s); Little Rock, AK (Oct. 2007).